The Hypergraphs Around Us


A group of things sometimes contains smaller groups (“subgroups”) inside it. Consider the following examples of groups of four things with different types of subgroups:

This blog post is a collection of groups of things in daily life that have certain subgroups within themselves. The first and most interesting of these collections is the collection of double doubles. You will realize that we can generalize these collections: 4 + 5 + 2 and 9 + 9 + 9 + 1 are not less valid than 2 + 2 or 3 + 1, but the lower sums tend to be more interesting and it was easier to find examples.

At some point I realized that there is a mathematical structure that can be used to describe the categories that I have been sorting the groups into: hypergraphs. A hypergraph is like a standard graph in graph theory, but its (hyper)edges are allowed to connect more than 2 vertices at a time. The categories below (2 + 2, 3 + 1, etc.) are thus various hypergraph isomorphism classes. The hypergraphs that correspond to the categories that I considered for this blog post have the following properties:

There are many interesting problems related to hypergraphs, but we will not delve into them in this blog post. For those who are interested, hypergraphs show up in machine learning.

2 + 2 (The Double Doubles)

Groups of four things that consist of two pairs. Hypergraph representation:


The ones below are somewhat close but don’t fit the list:

2 + 1

Groups of three things that consist of a pair and a third one. Hypergraph representation:


3 + 1

Groups of four things that consist of a group of three things, and a fourth one that doesn’t fit the group of three. Hypergraph representation:
